
(As of May 29, 2020)

FamilyMart has established the Risk Management Committee with the objectives of enhancing our risk management structure and strengthening our structure for compliance with ethics, laws and regulations. In addition, in order to make reports regarding social and environmental initiatives and hold deliberations on the issues, etc. we established the Sustainability Committee and the directors serve as the Chair in that committee together.
The committees hold deliberations and take action from the perspective of the opportunities and risks for the businesses with regards to the management of the risks faced by each business and compliance-related issues, and social and environmental issues. 
Moreover, this group has established the Basic Policy on Ethics and Compliance, and the Compliance Rules, etc.  and requires all of the directors, executive officers and employees to comply with these regulations, etc. We have established the internal reporting system to enable consultation with and reporting to experts inside and outside the company regarding the situation in the unlikely event that there is an action in violation of these regulations, etc., and we are operating under the slogan "Do not do, do not allow, do not overlook." By establishing contact points inside and outside the company in this way, we are aiming to correct and prevent in advance our own actions in violation of compliance.

Use of Employee Hotline and Supplier Helpline in Fiscal 2019

Suspected fraud, law breaking, or rule violation 9
Inquiry about labor contract or working hours 3
Inquiry about products and quality 3
Inquiry about workplace conditions, behavior, language, or suspected harassment 43
Other 3
Total 61

Ensuring Tax Transparency

In order to fulfill tax return and tax payment obligations, we comply with the “FamilyMart Group Tax Regulations,” which specifies the FamilyMart Group’s basic stance and code of conduct regarding taxation. This includes preventing tax avoidance, maintaining an open and transparent relationship with tax authorities, filing accurate tax returns, and making proper tax payment. We comply with tax treaties, tax laws, and its spirit of all countries/regions in which we do business.

In addition, we ensure tax transparency by disclosing tax payment information in a timely and appropriate manner to all stakeholders through annual securities reports and cooperatively providing information to tax authorities.

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