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Continuing to be FamilyMart,Where You Are One of the Family.FamilyMart will continue to make progress toward the realization of a sustainable society.

FamilyMart Continues to Move toward a Sustainable Society

As we approach a major turning point toward a post–COVID world, people around the world are becoming more active day-by-day and society is beginning to earnestly move forward. Consumption-based businesses are also undergoing other major changes, but from the perspective of consumer values, the focus on SDGs has not changed at all. This sea change questioning existing values points to the need to address sustainability and demonstrates the fact that SDGs are a common global goal to achieve a better life for all.

FamilyMart is committed to delivering convenience and abundance to every area of our daily lives. At the same time, we are working to solve social issues by making the most of our contacts with a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, business partners, and local communities, and by maintaining a close relationship with our local communities. We believe it is our mission and responsibility to meet the expectations of all stakeholders and contribute to the creation of sustainable communities and society.

Our Unique Approach to SDGs

Fiscal 2023 is the second year of our three-year plan to achieve renewed growth as part of our medium-term management plan, in which we are building a favorable environment for growth with a focus on strengthening our convenience store business and creating new business initatives.

To strengthen our convenience store business, we will introduce AI and robots to save manpower and energy in order to strengthen store infrastructure. We are also strengthening Famimaru, our environmentally friendly private brand for products, and enhancing information sharing through our own FamiPay app.

In terms of expanding new businesses, FamilyMart will accelerate its use of media in stores with the installation of digital signage we refer to as “FamilyMartVision” . To the 15 million customers we serve daily, we are planning to use it to not only promote products and services, but also to broadcast content that is rooted in the community in cooperation with local governments.

FamilyMart will also further promote efforts to address social issues by focusing on our own unique SDG activities. For example, we have expanded our Famima Food Drive to 47 prefectures across Japan—this initiative reduces food waste and provides mutual support for food needs in the community. Another example is our pointing sheet and communication pointing board (available at all stores) that can provide shopping support for persons with disabilities. We will continue to work together with the community and further promote initiatives that address social issues.

Our Five Material Issues

FamilyMart became a signatory to the UN Global Compact in 2017 and created its own Sustainability Policy. To promote sustainable corporate management, FamilyMart has also been promoting initiatives for the five material issues (materialities) it has prioritized and set goals for. They are Environmental Awareness, Regional Revitalization, Attractive Products and Services, Trustworthy Supply Chains, and Building a Rewarding Work Culture with Motivated Employees.

These materialities are linked to our medium-term management plan, and we will enhance their feasibility throughout the company.

Environmental Awareness

For the medium- and long-term goals set out in the FamilyMart Eco Vision 2050, we are promoting numerical goals for 2030 and 2050 for the reduction of greenhouse gases (CO₂ emissions) and measures for reducing plastic and food loss. We also endorsed the philosophy of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) in June 2023 and, as a show of support for their activities, participated in the TNFD Forum.

Regional Revitalization

As COVID-19 in Japan moved to Class 5 (a normal infectious disease) in June 2023, we reopened the Famima Children’s Cafeteria. Through the Famima Gakuen (school), which provides visiting lectures, the 15th anniversary of the Thank You Letter Contest and other activities, we contribute to fostering sound future generations.

Attractive Products and Services

By carefully listening to customers, we will enhance products and service that enrich daily life, while at the same time provide content helpful to the local community through the installation of digital signage.

Trustworthy Supply Chains

We aim to establish good partnerships with suppliers based on fair and transparent relationships in order to provide safe and reliable products and services, and to procure sustainable raw materials.

Building a Rewarding Work Culture with Motivated Employees

In order to realize a society where diversity is accepted based on respect for human rights and it is easy for everyone to live a vibrant and fulfilling life, we promote diversity and inclusion, such as initiatives, etc. to support the work of employees with disabilities and activities in support of LGBTQ both inside and outside the company.


We believe that faithfully and steadily addressing these materialities is the very role that FamilyMart can play in relation to the SDGs.

Our Motto Continues To Be FamilyMart, Where You Are One of the Family

Since FamilyMart was establishment and just as our name suggests, FamilyMart considers local communities as part of our family, endeavoring to provide convenience and implement initiatives to solve local issues.

We will continue to view these changing times as an opportunity, and in line with our original corporate message of FamilyMart, Where You Are One of the Family, we will continue to walk with and alongside our stakeholders on activities that will realize a sustainable society.

July 2023


Representative Director and President Kensuke Hosomi


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