GRI Content Index

Statement of use FamilyMart has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period March 2022 to February 2023
GRI1 used GRI1: Foundation 2021

Common standard

GRI 1: Foundation 2021

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

1. The organization and its reporting practices
Disclosure 2-1 Organizational details Corporate Outline
Disclosure 2-2 Entities included
in the organization’s
sustainability reporting
Editorial policy
Disclosure 2-3 Reporting period,
frequency, and contact point
Editorial policy
Disclosure 2-4 Revision or restatements of information None
Disclosure 2-5 External assurance Climate Change Mitigation
and Adaptation
2. Activities and workers
Disclosure 2-6 Activities,
value chain,
and other business relationships
Corporate Outline Understanding
the Convenience
Store Business(JP)
Products Services FamilyMart’s Material Flow (JP)
Disclosure 2-7 Employees ESG Data
3. Governance
Disclosure 2-9 Governance structure and composition Corporate Governance Sustainability Promotion System
Disclosure 2-12 Role of the highest governance body
in overseeing the management of impacts
Endorsement of
TCFD Recommendations
Sustainability Promotion System
Disclosure 2-13 Delegation of responsibility
for managing impacts
Endorsement of
TCFD Recommendations
Sustainability Promotion System
Disclosure 2-17 Collective knowledge
of the highest governance body
Respect for Human Rights
4. Strategy, policies and practices
Disclosure 2-22 Statement on sustainable
development strategy
Top Message
Disclosure 2-23 Policy commitments Basic Policy Promotion of Fair
and Transparent
Business Activities
Respect for Human Rights
Disclosure 2-25 Processes to remediate
negative impacts
Respect for Human Rights Compliance
Disclosure 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice
and raising concerns
Respect for Human Rights
Disclosure 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations No violations
Disclosure 2-28 Membership associations Collaboration with
International Society
5. Stakeholder engagement
Disclosure 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement Stakeholder Engagement

GRI 3: Material Topics 2021


GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016

201-1 Direct economic value generated
and distributed
Financial Summary for Fiscal Year
Ending in February, 2023 (JP)
201-2 Financial implications and other risks
and opportunities due to climate change
Endorsement of
TCFD Recommendations

GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016

205-2 Communication and training
about anti-corruption policies
and procedures
Promotion of Fair
and Transparent Business
205-3 Confirmed incidents
of corruption and actions taken
No cases

GRI 207: Tax 2019

207-1 Approach to tax Compliance


GRI 301: Materials 2016

301-2 Recycled input materials used Use of Sustainable Resources
and Prevention of
Environmental Pollution
301-3 Reclaimed products
and their packaging materials
Use of Sustainable Resources
and Prevention of
Environmental Pollution

GRI 302: Energy 2016

302-3 Specific energy consumption Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation ESG Data

GRI 303: Water 2018

303-3 Water withdrawal ESG Data
303-4 Water discharge ESG Data
303-5 Water consumption ESG Data

GRI 305: Emissions 2016

305-1 Direct (Scope 1)
GHG emissions
ESG Data Famima Eco Vision 2050
(Medium-to long-term
environmental goals)
305-2 Indirect (Scope 2)
GHG emissions
ESG Data Famima Eco Vision 2050
(Medium-to long-term
environmental goals)
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3)
GHG emissions
ESG Data
305-4 GHG emissions intensity ESG Data
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions ESG Data Famima Eco Vision 2050
(Medium-to long-term
environmental goals)

GRI 306: Waste 2020

306-3 Waste generated ESG Data
306-5 Waste directed to disposal ESG Data

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016

308-2 Negative environmental impacts
in the supply chain and actions taken
Building Responsible Supply
Chain Management / Promoting
Sustainable Ingredient Sourcing
ESG Data


GRI 401: Employment 2016

401-1 New employee hires
and employee turnover
ESG Data
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees
that are not provided to temporary
or part-time employees
Creating a Safe,
Healthy and Comfortable
Workplace Environment
401-3 Parental leave ESG Data

GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018

403-1 Occupational health
and safety management system
Creating a Safe,
Healthy and Comfortable
Workplace Environment
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment,
and incident investigation
Creating a Safe,
Healthy and Comfortable
Workplace Environment
403-4 Worker participation, consultation,
and communication on occupational health and safety
Creating a Safe,
Healthy and Comfortable
Workplace Environment
403-6 Promotion of worker health Creating a Safe,
Healthy and Comfortable
Workplace Environment
403-9 Work-related injuries ESG Data
403-10 Work-related ill health ESG Data

GRI 404: Training and Education 2016

404-1 Average hours of training
per year per employee
ESG Data
404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills
and transition assistance programs
Human Resource
Development Initiatives

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016

405-1 Diversity of governance bodies
and employees
ESG Data

GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment 2016

412-2 Employee training on human rights
policies or procedures
Respect for Human Rights

GRI 413: Local Communities 2016

413-1 Offices with local community engagement,
impact assessments, and development programs
Development and Revitalization
of Local Communities
Supporting the
Next Generation

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016

414-2 Negative social impacts
in the supply chain and actions taken
Building Responsible Supply Chain
Management / Promoting
Sustainable Ingredient Sourcing
ESG Data

GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016

416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product
and service health and safety
February 13, 2023
Apology and Notice Regarding
Products (JP)

GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 2016

417-1 Requirements for product
and service information and labeling
Our Responsibilities to Provide
Safe and Reliable Products
/ Services
417-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product
and service information and labeling
February 13, 2023
Apology and Notice Regarding

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