Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders of FamilyMart

Stakeholders of FamilyMart

FamilyMart aims to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society, and we believe that it is necessary and essential to actively and continuously engage in constructive dialogue and collaboration with all of our stakeholders. Based on this way of thinking, we have established opportunities to directly receive the needs and expectations of all of our stakeholders regarding the responsibility and role that the Company should fulfill with respect to society through its business activities. We take into account the valuable opinions and requests we have received by utilizing them for revision of our material issues and improvement of our business activities, which in turn leads to higher quality product development and services and improvement of our brand management.

Promotion of this kind of engagement is useful for the construction of good relationships with all of our stakeholders and is a foundational activity that supports our evolution into a company that is even more trusted by society.

In fiscal 2022, we were also able to create an extremely large number of opportunities for engagement and we received many opinions and requests. Below we describe the status of implementation of engagement with the main stakeholders of the Company.

FamilyMart’s Stakeholder Engagement

Customer Customer

Method / Content Achievement and Evaluation(2022) Response / Plan
Daily sales activities in stores 16,500 stores in Japan, with 15 million customers per day Develop and improve the quality of products and services that meet consumer needs
Receiving and responding to customer feedback at the Customer Service Office Feedback to the Customer Service Office: 91,821 calls/messages Improve store management quality, including product lineup, customer interactions, and cleanliness
Sending information tailored to users via the “FamiPay” app Downloads of “FamiPay” app: 17.00 million (as of July 2023) Increase communication opportunities using in-store equipment and digital technology
Disseminating information through in-store digital signage (FamilyMartVision) Number of stores with digital signage: approx. 5,000 stores (as of July 2023)
Information dissemination through website, communication through SNS Official twitter account (@famima_now): Approx. 4.9 million followers (as of July 2023)

Local community Local community

Method / Content Achievement and Evaluation(2022) Response / Plan
Revitalize local communities through providing support for children and the elderly Problem-solving focused sustainability activities by collaborating with local municipalities, NGOs/NPOs, and schools Expand community-based events/programs using stores and online
SDG awareness activities targeted at students from elementary schools to high schools “Thank You Letter Contest”, a program supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Held 15 times, a total of 25,000 schools participated with 440,000 submissions
Famima Academy (online workshop by employees): 71 sessions Choosing employees from a wide range of divisions as lecturers and increase the quality of programs that meet the needs of the schools
Comprehensive regional cooperation agreements with local governments Wide collaboration agreement with Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 2022 (Comprehensive collaboration agreements with all 47 prefectures in Japan)
Practical solutions to social issues in collaboration with NGOs/NPOs Nationwide expansion of Famima Food Drive: 2,360 stores(as of July 31, 2023) Continue to increase the number of participating stores and encourage the development of cooperative partners to further enhance the food donation program
In-store fund-raising activities to support NGOs/NPOs and disaster recovery Fund-raising results at stores in fiscal 2022: Approx. 490 million yen Effective use of in-store fund-raising and corporate donations for addressing social issues
Regular communication with NGOs and NPOs
Dialogue with the local community through daily store operations Deterrent of communications fraud and initiatives on preparation for disasters/support for when disasters happen Continue to serve customers with consideration for each customer

Franchised Stores/Store Staff Franchised Stores/Store Staff

Method / Content Achievement and Evaluation(2022) Response / Plan
Communications with stores through online events and direct visits by top management personnel Direct member store patrol: Approx. 50 stores nationwide Building a deeper relationship of trust between Franchised Stores and headquarters
Store visits by supervisors Advice, evaluation, and guidance on store management, and periodic confirmation of the status of practices Promote efficiency in store operations, expand support, and improve profitability
Hold management policy/product policy briefings using online Delivery of online seminar "Famima EXPO": twice a year
Providing health checkup support services to member stores and store staff
Providing information on the member store portal site
Streamlining store operations and promoting digital transformation
Strengthen and enhance various support systems for store managers and store staff Number of consultations to the Franchisee Relations Office: 3,136
Consultation and visits by the Franchisee Relations Office Store visits by consultants: 2,999
Distribution of information via portal site and merchant newsletters Publication of merchant newsletter "FAMILY": 12 times

Suppliers Suppliers

Method / Content Achievement and Evaluation(2022) Response / Plan
Information sharing, collaboration and implementation of sustainability policies and product policies Disseminate our sustainability policies to 482 business partners Increase understanding of and support for FamilyMart’s sustainability policies
Promoting sustainable procurement in the supply chain Conduct SAQs (self-check surveys) of 34 business partners Expand targets for SAQs and monitoring audits
Conducted monitoring audits of suppliers: 14 companies Improved response rate for supplier surveys
Implementation of factory inspections of ready-made food manufacturing contractors: 75 factories
Operation of checklist on human rights: 75 factories
Operation and response of supplier consultation service Operation of supplier help lines: 129 per year

Employees Employees

Method / Content Achievement and Evaluation(2022) Response / Plan
Communication by top management through message dissemination, in-person visits, and online Direct dialogue with managers through visits to offices nationwide: 350 people
Conducted direct communication through roundtable discussions with a total of about 150 participants
Conduct employee awareness survey Conduct employee engagement survey (once a year): response rate 97.4%
Conduct diversity penetration surveys and LGBTQ education Diversity penetration survey: 94%response rate (Janualy 2023) Promote diversity and inclusion
Strengthen support for goal achievement through the implementation of forward sessions*1 LGBTQ initiatives: ALLY*2 stickers distributed: Approx.1,500 (July 2023) Enhanced education and training menu to provide growth opportunities
Various support systems for employee training/self-development, childcare and nursing care, etc. Short-term childcare leave*3 (suku suku kyuka) taken: 51% Expansion of various systems related to health, welfare, etc. adapted to different life stages
Promote support for people with disabilities and expand their field of work Expanding the scope of the position to hiring new graduates with disabilities to the stores Expand network in collaboration with the regional employment support offices and accept visits and on-the-job training
Employment rate of people with disabilities: 2.87%(calculated as of June 1, 2023)
Promotion of health management Health awareness survey response rate: 96.2%(July 2023)
Stress check: response rate 96.2% (July 2023)
Promote maintenance of mental and physical health
Disseminating information through portal sites and Web-based in-house newsletters Distribution of in-house Web newsletters: 53 times
Promote employee interaction across divisions Cross-divisional exchange program "Fami-Talk": 12th
Activities for individuals to consider the SDGs as their own issues “with Sustainability! Activities” In-house magazine on sustainability "with Sustainability!" publishing: 12
Famima eco action to raise employees' awareness of environmental issues: approx. 3,700 participants (June 2023)

*¹ A meeting of a manager and employee to work together for the purpose of improving the degree of certainty that employees will achieve their goals and enhancing communication between them through future-oriented examination and consultation of methods and measures towards achieving an employee’s performance goals.

*² A person who has an understanding of LGBTQ issues and proactively takes action to support them.

*³ Childcare leave with pay that can be taken by any gender until their children go to elementary school (up to 5 days a year regardless of the number of children and can be taken with a unit of 1 day).

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