Sustainability Promotion System

FamilyMart has established the Sustainability Committee to oversee company-wide sustainability activities across the board, approving activity plans and managing progress.

In promoting sustainability, FamilyMart departments, offices, area divisions, and store regeneration divisions develop specific sustainability activities through their respective operations based on FamilyMart’s Basic Policy, medium- to long-term plans, and Sustainability Committee decisions.

Sustainability Promotion System

Fiscal 2023 Sustainability Committee Members

ChairCMO* and General Manager of the Marketing Division
MembersGeneral Managers of the Operation Division, Construction & Property Management Division, Store Operations & Affairs Division, Merchandising Division, Supply Chain & Quality Management Division, Management Division, Construction Department, Store Operation Administration Department, Merchandising Administration Department, Manufacture Infrastructure Development Department, Logistics Planning Department, Corporate Planning Department, and Corporate Communications Department; Assistant General Manager of the Store Revitalization Department; the Audit & Supervisory Board Member, and the General Manager and Assistant General Manager of Creative Office & 8.

*CMO: Chief Marketing Officer

Sustainability Promotion System in Each Division

The General Manager of each division serves as a sustainability promotion manager, who also appoints someone in his/her department at the general manager level or higher to act as an SDG promotion leader. The two work together to drive SDG initiatives in each department. Additionally, the district committees serve as a framework for bottom-up SDG activities, taking on the challenge of implementing SDG-themed initiatives and promoting activities in which all members of the organization participate.

Setting Rules for Inclusion of SDG Elements into the Division/Department Visions Developed by General Managers

Since fiscal 2020, all general managers declare and announce this vision for their division or department, and make efforts to ensure this vision is disseminated.

In fiscal 2022 when “with Sustainability! Activities” started, in order to promote the unique SDGs linked to the medium-term management plan, all general managers have introduced SDGs initiatives into their division/department visions. Each department is leveraging its own business characteristics to promote initiatives aimed at spreading and achieving those visions.

SDG Promotion Leaders Serve as the Driving Force in Each Department

In fiscal 2022, 23 SDG promotion leaders were appointed from 23 departments. SDG promotion leaders work to promote understanding and dissemination of SDGs in each department and lead initiatives according to the business characteristics of their individual departments.

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