We are working to establish a society where a wide range of individuals, irrespective of their race, skin color, nationality, language, religion, thought, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, with or without disability, property, or employment type, can acknowledge one another’s ideas and values, have equal access to opportunities, and actively contribute to society.
On the other hand, the retail industry continues to face a difficult business environment due to intensifying competition, consumers' continued preference for lower prices, labor shortages, and the impact of COVID-19.
Businesses are expected to help raise the labor participation rate and boost labor productivity concurrently by improving workplace environments so that diverse human resources can play active roles, and by establishing systems that allow for flexible working styles. Businesses also have to promote the concept of Decent Work.” Among other things, this means developing workplaces that are safe and healthy for employees, practicing fair employment and promotion, and providing fair evaluation and treatment.
As one of FamilyMart’s strengths is our rich diversity and inclusion, the most important thing to do is to form a corporate culture where employees can think freely and thereby create value.
In order to appropriately and quickly respond to changes, the most important thing for each and every employee is to keep evolving.
FamilyMart believes that creating an organizational culture that enables everyone to play an active role, promoting the creation of a safe and rewarding workplace, and nurturing people, who are the key players, will lead to a bright future and corporate growth.
By leveraging various strengths and maximizing our value, we will aim to be a franchise that is loved by everyone, connects with local communities like a family, and keep growing with local communities.
FamilyMart aims to be a chain store that contributes to a bright future through a business that stays close to customers.
The people who work at FamilyMart are the driving force in this mission and our most valuable asset. We will respect diversity in race, skin color, nationality, language, religion, thought, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, with or without disabilities, property, and employment type, etc. and provide an organization and corporate culture in which all workers can perform to their full potential. We believe this will lead to growth for our Company.
We will establish FamilyMart’s Human Rights Policy to respect basic human rights across the entire supply chain to create a sustainable society, and we will strive to prevent any and all human rights violations.
In addition, we will drive diversity and inclusion to create an organizational culture that is rewarding and continue producing opportunities for a diverse workforce to play an active role and envision innovation.
Each department responsible for promotion in the Management Division that execute measures related to the whole company’s diversity, human resources, human development, and health management cooperates with offices that manage each division, office, and area with an aim to work on creating an organizational climate where people can grow as a businessperson, can feel rewarded, and can play an active role, as well as creating a workplace environment where it is safe and comfortable for their well-being.