Diversity and Inclusion

Basic Approach

FamilyMart emphasizes the importance of becoming a hub to energize community interaction, and as such, we greet many customers at our stores each day. To tackle various challenges each community faces and meet the different needs of the customers, we consider it necessary that each and every diverse employee supporting a store puts their strength to use for achieving solutions by taking advantage of their diversity. This is why we position and work on promoting diversity as an important management strategy.

Diversity Mission

like Family  The power of diversity. A bright, shining and vibran future for everyone.

The thought behind FamilyMart’s “like Family” mission is the desire to be like a family that accepts differences naturally as a matter of course and supports each other by offering a helping hand when others are in need.

We want FamilyMart to be a company where each person who works here can be themselves, shine vibrantly while doing their jobs and never want to stop working at FamilyMart. Our aim is for that to bring about new value so that we become a company that continues to be supported by our customers.

Diversity Enhancement System

The Diversity Promotion Group under the Diversity Promotion Committee* consisting of executives and chaired by the President, leads strategic initiatives in steadily promoting diversity as an important management strategy.

For all employees to recognize one another’s diversity and act with a sense of ownership, we have rolled out activities with three axes, top-management commitment, leadership training, and bottom-up approach.

*A committee consisting of the president acting as the chairperson, and management staff making up the members. The committee sets and manages the KPI with a focus on achieving an organizational climate that utilizes diversity in order to improve corporate value.

Creating an Organizational Climate that Utilizes Diversity

To adapt to the progress of an information-oriented society, changes in people’s thoughts and lifestyle as well as diversity in ways of working is accelerated, making it important for workforces and organizations to figure out improvement plans that are appropriate for the surrounding environment. To that end, these plans must be implemented to change themselves and change others.

At the same time, creating a workplace that is safe and comfortable where employees can feel at ease and can freely express their opinions is a prerequisite for an organizational climate that utilizes diversity. We will foster an organizational climate where employees can adapt to changes, propose ideas, and learn from mistakes in order to create new value.

Past Efforts

Past Efforts
  • Diversity Management Training

    • October 2017
      Diversity training targeted at a class of general managers and above
    • April 2018
      Diversity management training targeted at section managers
    • November 2018 and on
      Unconscious bias e-learning targeted at all manager classes including the upper management
    • August 2019
      Harassment training targeted at management classes
    • November 2020
      Diversity management training targeted at a class of general managers and above including the upper management
    • October 2021
      Unconscious bias e-learning targeted at a class of general managers and above including the upper management
  • IkuBoss (Flexible Boss)

    The best driving power to change an organizational climate within a company is the awareness of division managers and team leaders. FamilyMart joined the IkuBoss Corporate Association and made an IkuBoss declaration. This is because we think leaders should see their own as well as their coworkers’ work-life balance as important and lead the way towards a positive work-life balance.

    We also conduct training to cultivate managers who can support their employees’ diverse ways of working and utilize their diverse strengths.

    Note1: IkuBoss: Employers and managers who can consider the employees’ work-life balance and achieve great performance and results for the organization while supporting the employees’ careers and life. At the same time, they themselves can also enjoy work and private life.

    Note2: IkuBoss Corporate Association: A network of corporations that recognizes the necessity of IkuBoss, proactively raise awareness, and nurture ideal bosses for a new era.

  • District Committee (March 2018 and on)

    With the purpose of becoming teams that keep creating results with our combined strengths, each division has rolled out a district committee to aim to create new value by utilizing each employee’s diversity. The top of each division is the chairperson of each committee, and they perform activities based on our basic philosophy.

  • Award (2018 and on)

    We hold a yearly award among district committee activities to highlight activities that have utilized diversity, created new value, and achieved good results. This award offers a place to present and praise our activities’ results, share knowledge, and celebrate the year’s activities.

    Since fiscal 2020, the award has been held online. Teams who were in the running for the award created video presentations, and votes from all employees selected a recipient for the Best Diversity Award to praise their activities.

Feel the Diversity Program

We hold these programs as a place for people to experience and feel diversity by making use of their diverse strengths through loose connections that transcend organizational boundaries. The goal is to foster a culture of discussion, intellectual exchange, and innovation.

Embracing True Diversity

In addition to women, which have been the main target of our efforts, we have expanded the scope of our initiatives to include those with disabilities, people with foreign nationalities, and members of the LGBTQ community as a means to embrace true diversity. In this way, we are constantly thinking about inclusion, the next step after diversity.

Promotion of Women’s Participation

FamilyMart aims to operate convenience stores loved by a variety of people by getting close to local communities and treating each and every people like part of a family. The strength of our female employees is crucial to this goal, therefore we consider promoting active roles for women to be an issue of the utmost importance. In that light, we are working to create conditions for female employees to put their abilities on display, which includes work style reforms that are applicable regardless of gender and fostering a culture focused on controlling unconscious bias.

Targets and Major Initiatives related to Women’s Participation


Based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace, FamilyMart has formulated a general employer’s action plan and set up targets up to the end of February 2026.

  • Ratio of female managers: 10%
  • Gender differences in the turnover rate: Within 0.5%

Main Initiatives

  • Development training plan for women
    Dispatching female employees who are candidates for management positions to externally held joint training programs in different industries
  • FamilyMart Women Project (FMWP)
    Bottom-up activities by female employees to promote taking on more active roles for the purpose of women’s self-growth and transformation, networking, and growth and transformation of the company
  • Creating distinct career paths (role model introduction)
    In the internal news, introducing ways of working from women who maximize their potential and presenting a concrete image of a career plan with these women being close role models

Initiatives for the LGBTQ Community

At FamilyMart, we are implementing LGBTQ initiatives aimed at fostering understanding and acceptance of every individual employee’s diversity, and at rooting this deeply within our corporate culture.

Our efforts are focused on two key areas: 1.Cultivating correct knowledge and understanding, and 2. Creating safe and inclusive workplace environments.


  • Symbols of LGBTQ activities

    It embodies the concept of “Ally rings spreading out like the rays of the sun from FamilyMart”.

  • Symbols of LGBTQ activities

Cultivating correct knowledge and understanding

By learning about LGBTQ, employees realize that each and every colleague is unique in many ways. Thus, “Proper understanding of LGBTQ” is our first goal.

    • Video lessons and LGBTQ-related handbooks are distributed to all employees
    • Dissemination of LGBTQ-related news to all employees
    • Holding of an LGBTQ seminar
  • LGBTQ-related handbook

Creating safe and inclusive workplace environments

Once employees’ understanding and knowledge of LGBTQ issues has been deepened, the next step is the implementation of measures to cultivate LGBTQ Allies. We are encouraging every individual employee to think about what they can do to create workplaces where everyone can be themselves, as well as what they can to in relation to franchisees and customers, and to take action and realize our vision.

  • LGBTQ Ally activities

We are working to cultivate a corporate ethos in which people who want to understand and support their LGBTQ colleagues are encouraged to declare this, so that as these “rings” of support spread outwards, the psychological sense of safety within the organization is enhanced, and people feel able to speak their mind without hesitation.

  • Stickers are distributed to employees who have acquired an understanding of LGBTQ issues and want to express their status as an LGBTQ ally, and goods that have been produced after being talked over among ALLY members are distributed to employees participating in ALLY activities. This initiative has spread nationwide and over 160 ALLY members participate in autonomous activities by region.


  • Distribution of ALLY stickers

    Distribution of ALLY stickers

  • Distribution of ALLY goods

    Distribution of ALLY goods

  • Introduction of same sex partnership inclusion in the human resources system

We have introduced a human resources system that extends the same set of benefits and internal support to same-sex partners as it does to legal spouses. Those who have completed the requisite paperwork will now be entitled to a range of benefits from our internal systems. These benefits include bereavement leave, which applies to same-sex partners, their children, and their parents, as well as childcare leave and a host of other valuable benefits for same-sex partners.

  • Establishment of an LGBTQ consultation window
    (this is an external contact window that is available for FamilyMart employees to use)
  • Franchisee Requirements Expansion

Starting from April 2023, franchisee opportunities are now open to both de facto partners and same-sex partners, regardless of contract types.

    • Supporting Business for Marriage Equality (BME)

    In July 2023, we pledged our support to the “Business for Marriage Equality” campaign, advocating for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Japan.

Initiatives by Stores

To promote the inclusivity of ALLY, individuals who comprehend and endorse LGBTQ+ individuals, and to champion the pursuit of a society where everyone can express themselves authentically, starting in 2021, the hot snack bags featuring our signature product “Famichiki” will undergo a transformation into vibrant rainbow colors (comprising six colors). These colors symbolize sexual diversity and our support for the LGBTQ+ community, and they will be offered in limited quantities.

During the fiscal 2022, we introduced the “Convenience Wear Line Socks Rainbow” at FamilyMart stores across the country, alongside the rainbow Famichiki bags. A percentage of the proceeds generated from the sales of “Line Socks Rainbow” is allocated for donations to ReBit, a certified non-profit organization. These funds are designated for conducting educational sessions and training sessions on LGBTQ+ and diverse topics aimed at educational institutions, students, and children. They also collaborate with FamilyMart’s “Be Yourself Project.”

Furthermore, a portion of the sales from the “Imabari Towel Handkerchief Rainbow,” introduced in the fiscal 2023, will also be contributed to support educational initiatives.

  • レインボーカラーのファミチキ

  • 「いっしょに歩こう」ポスター

  • ラインソックス レインボー

  • 今治タオルハンカチ レインボー

  • PRIDE Index, an index of LGBTQ-related initiatives

    • We have won the Gold rating in PRIDE Index 2023, which is the best rating, for four consecutive years

      Note: PRIDE Index is the first ever in Japan assessment index at the workplace for initiatives related to sexual minorities such as LGBT, established by a voluntary association, “work with Pride”, in 2016 for the purpose of achieving a comfortable workplace for LGBTQ.

    • PRIDE Index 2023 Certified Gold Mark

      PRIDE Index 2023 Certified Gold Mark
    • Based on a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Okazaki City in Aichi Prefecture, since March 2021, our stores in Okazaki City have placed information cards for the LGBT support line, which Okazaki City has established as part of its community-based initiatives. This initiative was regarded highly, and we were awarded the Best Practice Award in the fiscal 2021.

    • Information cards for the LGBT support line

      Information cards for the LGBT support line

Active Participation of People with Disabilities

We are working on expanding job categories and workplaces in stores, head office, sales offices, and farms so that employees with disabilities can work to their fullest. Furthermore, our placement decisions are guided by individual aptitude, and we have implemented an evaluation system that facilitates step-by-step advancement. When needed, we are intensifying our collaboration with support organizations to foster workplaces where employees can fully leverage their unique qualities and thrive.

As of June 1, 2023, our employment rate of people with disabilities is 2.87%. We will proactively continue growing this employment rate and promote an organizational climate where diversity is fully utilized.

Where employees with disabilities can actively work

  • Stores
    Starting out with stocking shelves and cleaning, employees with disabilities are actively working, doing various tasks depending on their capabilities.
  • Operational Support Center at the head office
    A standard operation extracted from each department is being handled by employees with disabilities according to the nature of their impairment. The places where people with disabilities can play an active role as well as enhance their skills are thus expanded. An additional benefit to each department is that it leads to the improvement of operational efficiency.
  • Offices and sales offices nationwide
    Employees with disabilities are working in full force at offices and sales offices nationwide. Regardless of disabilities, this initiative leads to culturing a considerate work environment.
  • Farms
    At a farm in Nagareyama City in Chiba Prefecture, staff members with disabilities grow organic vegetables. The harvested vegetables are sold in 15 neighboring stores.

Hands-on Training for Employees

    • Farming experience
      Since the fiscal 2022, all new recruits have experienced hands-on training on a farm

      Our new recruits harvested and shipped vegetables along with employees with disabilities as well as checked out the sales stands of stores selling these vegetables. They experienced diversity and learned about our initiative that has deep relations with local communities.
    • Disability Awareness through Hands-On Experiences

      We actively promote employees’ understanding of disabilities by offering a range of experiential activities, including wheelchair simulations, hearing sensitivity exercises, the use of assistive devices for the hearing impaired, sign language lessons, and visual impairment simulations. Moreover, employees with disabilities working on our farm have opportunities for face-to-face interactions through in-house vegetable sales.
  • Acknowledged as a “Barrier-free Mind” Exemplary Company by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

    Acknowledged as a “Barrier-free Mind” Exemplary Company by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  • Acknowledged as a “Barrier-free Mind” Exemplary Company by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

    • In collaboration with businesses and organizations, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has launched the “Barrier-free Mind Support Companies” initiative to foster public awareness of inclusive attitudes. FamilyMart received recognition as a Barrier-free Mind Exemplary Company for the fiscal year 2022, commending our exceptional contributions in terms of innovation, originality, and societal impact.


    • Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s “Barrier-free Mind” Exemplary Company Logo

Active Senior Staff

While we work on hiring new human resources and developing employees with highly specialized skills to achieve FamilyMart’s sustainable growth, we also proactively utilize senior human resources who have had great achievements.

Renewal of Re-employment System

In the fiscal year 2021, we have drastically reviewed our re-employment system and segmentalized and redefined roles required for senior staff and compensation.

By setting the compensation befitting to each individual’s skills, capabilities, and performance, we aimed to achieve the increase of their motivation and expansion of their workplace.

As a result, as of March 2023, a total of 124 senior employees (105 men and 19 women) have chosen to continue their employment beyond retirement age.

Meister System

We designate highly skilled with high performance senior staff as meister employees to provide them with opportunities where they can pass down their skills and nurture younger members of the workforce. This meister system aims to achieve a synergistic effect to increase senior staff’s motivation and develop younger members of the workforce.

14 senior staff members with highly specialized skills in negotiation for things like rent, corporate sales, and quality assurance are mainly designated as meisters, working actively with the younger members of the workforce.

Work-life Balance Support

We provide various kinds of support to promote an organizational climate and corporate culture where every employee can fully maximize their potential and keep working regardless of their life stage.

Childcare support

Shorter working hours during pregnancy Women are eligible to work shorter hours from 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Paternity leave Special paid Vacation that can be taken at the of childbirth.
Childcare leave Childcare leave can be taken to care for children up to 4years of age.
Working while raising childcare (shorter working hours) Employees with children up to ninth grade are eligible to work shorter hours (can be taken by all employees regardless of their position of the type of work they engage in, including)
“Sukusuku” support A system that provides support to help pay for daycare fees if employees wish to return to work before their children reach 1 year of age.
“Sukusuku” support plus A system that provides support to help pay for daycare fees if employees wish to return to work before their children reach 1 year of age but cannot find available daycare services.
Child nursing-care leave Paid vacation that can be taken by employees to nurse sick children who are under school age. It can also be taken in half-day increments.
“Sukusuku” leave Special paid vacation of 5 continuous days that are available every year for employees with children of up to take first grade in elementary school.
Use of company car to go to and from daycare On-side employees, such as supervisors (SVs), who use the company car to commute use the car to take or pickup children under school age to daycare and preschool.
Care support Nursing-care support A cumulative total of 365 days, which can be taken in three installment, are available.
Nursing-care while working Shorter working hours are possible for an indefinite term during periods when nursing care duties are required.
Nursing-care vcation Up to 5 days a year, which can be taken in half-day increments, are available.*A half-days deduction in pay is made.
Diverse work style support Consideration system for relocation home Employees who are utilizing the shorter working hours system for childcare or nursing care are exempt from internal transfers that require relocating the home.
Return to jobs A system for rehiring employees who cited nursing care, childcare, marriage and relocation of spouses as a reason for resignation.
Others Introduction of human resources systems such as fertility treatment and same gender partnerships, etc.

Childcare Support

We offer seamless support that extends from the birth of a child to after coming out of maternity leave to go back to work. It includes training for returning to work and the provision of after-return support through meetings with his/her superiors.

We believe that the participation of men in childcare is important in enriching their work-life balance as well as in bringing about workstyle reform for the whole of society. FamilyMart therefore offers a childcare leave system that is easy even for men to take.

Childcare system

Life & Career Design College (Training When Returning to Work)

FamilyMart offers the Life & Career Design College for employees and their partners who are about to return to work after childcare leave. Participants learn the mindset required for balancing childcare and work after going back to work. They also take part in discussions with employees who have already gone through the experience so that they can get a more concrete idea of what it is like to go back to work after childcare leave and begin active preparation.

It has been held online since fiscal 2021.

Support of Men’s Participation in Childcare

Systems supporting men’s participation in childcare are paternity leave and “Sukusuku” leave.

“Sukusuku” leave is a special paid vacation of 5 days that are available every year for employees with children of up to first grade in elementary school. This special leave can be used for graduation and entrance ceremonies, and we have received positive feedback from the families of male employees who have used these days off. We have begun efforts from fiscal 2020 onward to promote the use of this special leave by all applicable employees. As a result of these efforts, more and more male employees are taking advantage of childcare leave.

Nursing care Support

  • As the declining birthrate and aging population progresses in Japan, we are taking another look at our working system such as reduced working hours with no duration restrictions so that employees can continue working when they are burdened with long-term care.

    We distribute to all of our employees a handbook that summarizes the opinions of caregivers and the support systems that are available. This is to help people be aware of what nursing care involves in advance so that they may be better prepared for such situations.

    In fiscal 2021, we held a seminar to learn how to appropriately prepare for nursing care and how to have a balance between nursing care and work.

  • Guidebook (Issued by the FamilyMart Union)

    Guidebook (Issued by the FamilyMart Union)
  • Received D&I Award “Large Corporation”

    • FamilyMart was certified as the “BEST WORKPLACE”, which is the best award in the enterprise division for D&I Award 2022 for two consecutive years. This is an award to certify and commend corporations that work on diversity and inclusion. We also received D&I Award “Large Corporation.”

      D&I Award is an award hosted by JobRainbow Co.,Ltd. to certify corporations that work on diversity and inclusion. (Held in the early fiscal 2021) By using diversity scores as metrics that consist of five components, gender, childcare/long-term care, disabilities, multicultural coexistence, and LGBT, a certification is awarded to corporations depending on their initiatives.

      Reasons for Award Recognition

      Despite the company’s extensive scale, which can present challenges in implementing Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) initiatives, it has taken proactive measures to engage employees on a nationwide level. These efforts include the introduction of interview sheets, facilitating discussions between employees who have recently become parents and their supervisors, promoting awareness of the internal D&I system, organizing internal awards, appointing SDGs leaders within each division and region, and hosting company-wide programs. Additionally, the company has demonstrated a commitment to promoting the participation of employees with disabilities. The noteworthy aspect of these endeavors is embodied by their impact on society, as the promotion of D&I within a convenience store, a universally accessible location, carries with it significant societal implications. (D&I Award Management Office)


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