Creating a Safe, Healthy and Comfortable Workplace Environment

Basic Approach

Ensuring the safety and health of employees is one of a company’s most important obligations. Enterprises are expected to systematically promote industrial safety and health measures under the exemplary leadership of their top management, to prevent industrial accidents and injuries, maintain and promote health, and create safe, healthy and comfortable workplace environments.

At FamilyMart, our management takes action to maintain the health management system and promotes health-conscious management based on the FamilyMart Health Charter. We also work on initiatives to contribute to the happy futures and health of all stakeholders including customers, franchisees, and suppliers.

FamilyMart’s Health Management

  • At FamilyMart, we believe that the health of our employees and everyone involved constitutes a vital foundation for realizing our vision of the future. Besides formulating a corporate Health Charter, as outlined below, we are also focusing on putting the right systems to promote in place, and on realizing effective health management.

    Health Charter

    • Recognizing that the health of FamilyMart’s employees and all of our stakeholders is foundational to achieving the future we aim for, FamilyMart has established its Health Charter as follows.


      1. Creating a workplace environment where employees can work in health

      FamilyMart will work to create an environment in which employees mentally satisfied and physically healthy, can enjoy the challenges of their jobs.

      2.  Voluntary action by employees for health

      Employees will take responsibility for their own health and take voluntary action for the sake of long and rich lives.

      3. Contributing to the health of all of our stakeholders

      FamilyMart will help to bring a healthy and joyful future to franchisees, customers, and all of our stakeholders by taking initiatives to encourage health and providing products and services that contribute to mental and physical health.


      Health Charter Establishment: October 2019


      Representative Director and President, FamilyMart Co., Ltd.


    Recognitions and Awards

    Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500) (Large-scale Corporate Category)

    • Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500) (Large-scale Corporate Category) Certified logo

      Certified logo
    • *Certified for four consecutive years beginning in 2020.

      The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry has established a system to acknowledge companies that prioritize employee health management from a managerial standpoint and strategically implement such initiatives. The White 500 program is part of the Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program, and it certifies only the top 500 companies in the Large-scale Corporate Category. FamilyMart has received this certification for four consecutive years.

    “Sports Yell Company” and “Tokyo Sports Promotion Company”

    • 「スポーツエールカンパニー」「東京都スポーツ推進企業」認定ロゴマーク

      Certified logo
    • *Certified for two consecutive years beginning in 2022.

      The Japan Sports Agency recognizes companies that actively promote sports to enhance the well-being of their employees as “Sports Yell Companies.” Similarly, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government acknowledges companies that encourage and support sports participation among their employees as “Tokyo Sports Promotion Companies.” FamilyMart has achieved both of these certifications for two consecutive years.

      FamilyMart remains committed to proactively implementing a range of initiatives aimed at enhancing employee health. These include facilitating exercise opportunities through long-standing company-wide walking events spanning over 15 years, online fitness seminars, workplace communication projects, and the establishment of health management offices. These efforts are driven by our commitment to elevating corporate value.

    Health Management System

    Under the direction of the President, who also serves as Chief Wellness Officer (CWO), FamilyMart’s Health Management Office (with our industrial physicians and public health nurses), Human Resources Department, Labor Union, and The Health Insurance Union, collaborate closely on the sharing of information and take steps to enhance employees’ health.

    In addition, meetings of the Industrial Safety and Health Committee are held on a monthly basis at each FamilyMart business location. Company-wide issues are shared at the regional level, and measures are discussed for addressing regional issues and situations. We are also putting in place a system whereby suggestions from the regional level are channeled through the Central Industrial Safety and Health Committee at head office so that company-wide feedback can be provided.

    Furthermore, FamilyMart has implemented an industrial safety and health management system. We will continue to promote voluntary safety and health activities in each region to prevent work-related accidents, promote health of employees, and improve safety and health levels overall.

    Health management system chart

    • (1) Industrial Physicians, Public Health Nurses

      9 industrial physicians (1 full-time, 8 part-time)
      3 full-time public health nurses


      (2) Regional Occupational Safety and Health Committee System

      Meetings of the Industrial Safety and Health Committee are held on a monthly basis at a total of 20 locations including the head office and regional offices. Fully exceeding the framework of legal compliance, even regional offices below 50 people also hold the monthly meeting of the Industrial Safety and Health Committee. In these meetings, we check the working hours of members, the status of paid leave utilization, nationwide work-related accidents and company-owned vehicle accidents, as well as exchange opinions on the status of infectious disease control measures and health improvement measures. We also hold lectures by our industrial physicians to commit ourselves to the improvement of health literacy and safety and health management levels overall.

      As part of the mental health measures, in addition to the already existing lectures by our industrial physicians, e-learning, and webinars, we have started mental health lectures by our public health nurses since fiscal 2022.

      (3) Industrial Safety and Health Policy (Tokyo Labor Bureau)

      The Tokyo Labor Bureau has noted that “in the tertiary industry, there tends to be a lack of awareness among both firms and workers regarding occupational accident prevention. In order to prevent occupational accidents from occurring, it is very important that, prior to the formulation of specific strategies, there should be a clear policy message from senior management regarding the firm’s commitment to safeguarding employees’ safety and health.” The Tokyo Labor Bureau therefore encourages the drawing up of occupational safety and hygiene policies by the top management of business enterprises in the tertiary industry.

      FamilyMart fully supports this approach and has formulated the occupational safety and hygiene policy outlined below, the content of which has been posted on the Tokyo Labor Bureau’s website.

      FamilyMart has introduced the industrial safety and health management system. Based on the above-mentioned Safety and Health Policy, we strive to achieve zero work-related accidents that result in four or more days of absence in the area of safety, and a 100% regular health examination rate, a 5% reduction in the obesity rate, and a 5% reduction in the smoking rate in the area of health.

    • Meeting

      FamilyMart industrial Safety and Health Policy

      FamilyMart industrial Safety and Health Policy

    Health Measures for Employees

    (1) Strategy Map and Overview

    As for health measures, we set a goal to improve each and every employee’s performance and energize the organization.

    We will establish measures to create an environment where all employees are healthy in both mind and body and are able to maximize their capabilities and take on challenges with enthusiasm.

    Overview of Measures Being Implemented

    Building on the foundation provided by statutory industrial safety and health management, we have identified four key themes to focus on that have also been positioned as major health issues by the Japanese government, lifestyle habits, cancer, dementia, and mental health.

    We check the effectiveness of the performed measures with health examinations, stress checks, and health awareness surveys, and we review, plan, and implement measures that will lead to the improvement of numerical statistics for health targets.

    As we promote health-oriented management, we have been holding meetings with the Health Insurance Union to exchange opinions every month, discussing the current issues, how to promote health measures, participation rates regarding the measures, results and effectiveness, as well as further improvements.

    Risk Physical
    Cancer Dementia Mental
    Hight •Treatment
    for work-life
    •Financial assistance for advanced medical treatment •Follow-up by occupational physician
    •Return-to-work Program
    •Utilization of rework
    •Distribution of Acceptance Instructions
    (9 items for returning to work)
    Flexible leave accrual
    •Accumulated Annual Leave
    •Hourly annual leave, etc.
    Medium •Early
    •Severe Disease Prevention Programs
    •Metabolic Syndrome Prevention Project (Well-being Program)
    •Medical examination encouragement project
    •Medical Examination Recommendation Programs
    •Lifestyle Improvement Programs
    •Measures against periodontal disease
    •Cancer screening assistance
    •Assistance for brain docs
    •Smoking Cessation Programs
    •Assistance with infertility treatment
    •Online Courses
    (Dementia and nursing care)
    ・Employee Leave Recurrence Prevention Program
    (line care training addressing long-term sick leave incidents)
    •Online Courses
    (Stress Management, Sleep/Anger Management)
    •Reinspection assistance •Health Practitioner Guidance
    Low •Awareness
    •Health News (monthly)
    •Humorous Health Haiku/riverside willow (esp. rosegold pussy willow, Salix gracilistyla)
    •Provision of cancer information booklets •Caravan Mate Training
    •Dementia Supporter Training
    •Seminar on Support for Balancing Work and Nursing Care
    •Industrial physician's lecture
    •Public health nurse's lecture
    •Mental health seminar (self-care/line care) (every month)
    •Let's walk together project (twice a year)
    •Workplace Communication Planning
    •Healthy Staircase Project
    •Distribution of Health Care BOOK
    •Online health seminars (e-learning)
    •LIVE Seminars
    •Women’s health seminar
    •Women’s health support newsletter
    •Initiatives by the Safety and Health Committee in each district
    •Utilization of the health application (My HEALTH WEB)
    •Style-up Program

    Note: The above includes joint measures with health insurance unions and labor unions

    Promoting Health Collaboratively with the Health Insurance Union

    In order to achieve enhanced collaboration with the Health Insurance Union, FamilyMart established a memorandum to promote health collaboratively with the Health Insurance Union in fiscal 2022.

    This memorandum has enabled streamlining of the health management operations for preventing mid- to long-term lifestyle diseases, cancer, and implementing mental health measures. It has also made it easier to implement and promote both FamilyMart’s and the Health Insurance Union’s health improvement measures, allowing us to further promote the betterment of employees’ health.

    Items to Improve and Reduce
    Items FY2019 FY2020 FY2021FY2022 Reduction goal (compared to FY2019)
    Percentage of BMI 25 or more 34.0% 35.6% 34.7% 35.5% ▲5%
    Smoking rate 35.0% 31.0% 30.0% 28.9% ▲5%
    Rate of skipping breakfast 21.0% 20.2% 19.0% 20.8% ▲5%
    Initiatives So Far
    • BMI 25 or More (Overweight Percentage)

    As our employees continue to work remotely, we introduced stretch videos and tips about the walking activity. We will continue to take effective health improvement measures for the improvement of BMI values.

    In the fiscal 2021 and 2022, we implemented a health initiative called the “Style-up Program,” a weight management program based on dietary treatment to work on the improvement of BMI values.

    • Smoking Rate

    In the nationwide Industrial Safety and Health Committee meetings, our industrial physicians emphasized the necessity of quitting smoking. 
    In the fiscal year 2021, we performed a quit-smoking program twice a year. As a result, though gradually, the smoking rate of FamilyMart employees has gone down to 30% in the fiscal year 2021 and 28.9% in the fiscal 2022, achieving the reduction goal of over 5% compared to the fiscal year 2019.

    • Rate of Skipping Breakfast

    Our industrial physicians also spoke about the importance of having breakfast in the nationwide Industrial Safety and Health Committee meetings, and conducted an awareness campaign with the keywords being “go to bed early, wake up early, and have breakfast.”

    We will continue the campaign emphasizing the importance of meals by providing information such as cooking using our own products.

    The style-up program conducted in the fiscal 2021 and 2022 was based on a dietary treatment plan that limits caloric intake for dinner, and so this has contributed to the improvement of BMI values as well as the establishment of breakfast habits and a reduction in alcohol consumption.

    (2) Initiatives

    Health examinations
    Regular health examination rate
    FY FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 (goal)
    Rate 93.0% 99.9% 100% 100% 100%
    Strengthening the aftercare system by introducing health management system
    • When a medical issue is discovered during a health examination, the employee in question will be asked to undergo a further examination; we have put in place a framework that facilitates seamless reporting of issues to the Health Management Office, after which a follow-up will be performed by an industrial physician and/or a public health nurse. Employees can use the system to check their own health examination results at any time, and can apply for financial assistance for further examinations.

      Rather than just getting employees to undergo health examinations, FamilyMart has put in place a cycle in which examination results are properly followed up and remedial action is taken.

    • FamilyMart’s flow of follow-up actions

      FamilyMart’s flow of follow-up actions
    Secondary Health Examination Rate and Number of Health Guidance Consultations
    FY FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
    Secondary health examination rate - 22.8% 100% 100%
    Health guidance consultation rate 100% 100% 100% 100%
    Specific health guidance consultation rate 7.7% 66.3% 58.5% -
    Financial Assistance for Secondary Health Examinations

    FamilyMart provides financial assistance for secondary health examinations to promote early discovery and treatment of diseases. With this, we aim to reduce employees with abnormal results of health examinations and eliminate absenteeism and presenteeism.

    Return-to-work Support Program

    It is said that mental illnesses tend to relapse, and so FamilyMart has a return-to-work support program to help employees avoid taking additional leave.

    The return-to-work support program helps achieve mental preparedness for the employee and their manager, creates a roadmap for their return, necessary procedures, and conditions of return, so that the employee can focus on recuperation while feeling safe, and prepare for their return.

    The return-to-work support program also has a system to allow employees to practice commuting and rehabilitation of coming into work to reduce the rate of recurring leave from mental illness.

    Employee Leave Recurrence Prevention Program

    Starting from the fiscal 2022, we have introduced an initiative to prevent the recurrence of unplanned employee leave, particularly in cases related to mental health, within our workplaces.

    This program offers tailored line care training to managers, aiming to minimize incidences of employees needing to take unplanned leave repeatedly from the same workplace.

    The occurrence of unplanned employee leave represents a significant labor loss and places an additional burden on the remaining workforce. To address this, we are actively implementing various measures to help minimize occurrences.

    Disease Risk Intervention Program

    The program was created by the Health Insurance Union and designed for employees who are judged to have a high risk from prediction of disease onset and severity of possessed risk factors among those who are being treated for lifestyle diseases at medical institutions. These employees are provided with a dedicated device to count and record steps, salt intake, and heart rate on an app on a smartphone to visualize their lifestyle habits as well as phone consultations with a healthcare worker. The program essentially implements a lifestyle habit improvement plan that is appropriate for each employee.

    Metabolic Syndrome Prevention Project (Well-being Program)

    The lifestyle habits improvement program by the Health Insurance Union was designed to reduce as much as possible the risk of employees developing metabolic syndrome in the future.

    A 6-week online program, featuring live seminars and videos related to exercise and diet, will be accessible through a dedicated website on the health app, designed to help participants establish healthy habits.

    Quit-smoking Program

    This quit-smoking program allows employees to utilize video calls on a PC, smartphone, or tablet to get an online consultation from a doctor without the necessity of traveling to a medical institution.

    We conducted this program twice in the fiscal 2022 just like the previous fiscal 2021, in hopes of having more people quit smoking due to COVID-19-related risks as one of the motivators.

    Related to World No Tobacco Day (May 31) set by the WHO (World Health Organization) to promote quitting smoking, we have promoted awareness in the nationwide Industrial Safety and Health Committee meetings, encouraged people to stop smoking on the portal site, and created digital signage and unique posters to appeal to smokers. FamilyMart focuses on reducing the smoking rate in this manner.

    Mental Health Measures

    FamilyMart conducts stress check to not limited workplaces with 50 or more employees but all employees, performs collective analysis on the stress check results, including the rate of high-stress employees, and implements improvement measures for the workplaces after analysis.

    In addition to offering resilience training for our younger employees, we conduct monthly mental health seminars open to all employees. These seminars cover topics such as self-care and line care training.

    Stress Check Rate (3 Years)
    FY FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
    Rate 94.2% 97.1% 95.6% 96.3%
    Health Portal Site and Health News

    FamilyMart issues health news every month, providing useful information for our employees (mental healthcare, guidance for health events, etc.).

    • Health News June issue

    • Health News July issue

    • Health News August issue

    • Health News September issue

    Collaborative Initiatives with the Labor Union

    Health-oriented management does not work with just the company-side efforts. The labor union (FamilyMart Union) collaborates with the company to conduct health improvement measures.

    So far, we have issued a healthcare book, held RIZAP’s live seminars, RIZAP’s online health seminars (e-learning), and in fiscal 2021, we introduced RIZAP’s 5-min training, RIZAP channel, and the Style-up Program along with RIZAP’s seminars. We have continuously been implementing various health improvement measures.

    In fiscal 2023, we initiated the distribution of a new RIZAP Column in electronic format and established a corporate contract with RIZAP. We are committed to collaborating with the labor union to advance our health management initiatives.

    RIZAP Column

    • RIZAP’s 5-min Training

    • Our RIZAP Column offers anytime, anywhere access to a wealth of content, including articles and videos covering a total of 54 diverse themes such as diet, body transformation, and more, tailored to individual needs and interests.

      Recognizing the diverse interests and concerns of our employees, we provide a wide range of themes. Each video is succinct, with an average duration of just one minute, ensuring quick and easy viewing.

    RIZAP’s Live Seminars

    • RIZAP’s Live Seminars

    • FamilyMart regularly holds RIZAP’s live seminars.

      Participants have given us positive feedback such as “It feels like I get more energy by working out together with everyone. I would love to participate again”, “It was harder than I thought it would be and made me realize how little I have been exercising”, “This was a great chance to start exercising”. We will continue holding these seminars regularly.

    Famima’s Humorous Health Haiku
    • Famima’s Humorous Health Haiku

    • We have been holding Famima’s humorous health haiku contest since 2020. With limited historical background, we still received a lot of submissions again in the fiscal 2022, which helped with cultivating health awareness among employees.

      In the fiscal 2022, out of 138 submissions, after votes from employees, the haiku selected as the best was “As I’m lying down, the dog is pressuring me. Let’s go for a walk.”

      We will continue nurturing Famima’s humorous health haiku as a regular event so that our employees’ health awareness will improve while having fun.

    Healthy Weight Program
    • In order to improve BMI values, we have implemented the Style-up Program since the fiscal 2021.
      This program replaces one regular meal with a balanced and nutritious meal to allow efficient restriction of caloric intake to help employees get their figure in shape.

      In the fiscal 2022, we had a total of 324 program participants, and approximately 70% of them successfully achieved weight loss goals. Throughout the program’s duration, we established a dedicated community website for participants to facilitate communication. Here, public health nurses provided valuable dietary advice, while participants freely shared their progress and experiences to support each other in completing the program. In addition to receiving feedback from participants, such as “the community site was exciting and enjoyable to engage with” and “I felt more motivated when working alongside others,” we also received reports of positive changes in their daily routines. These changes included reduced alcohol consumption and the adoption of regular breakfast habits, which contributed to overall improvements in their lifestyles and dietary choices.

      We will continue to implement programs that will be beneficial to our employees that they can participate in while having fun.

    • スタイルアッププログラム例


    In addition to our own health improvement promotion measures, we proactively leverage the Health Insurance Union’s webinars to improve our employees’ health awareness.

    In the fiscal 2023, we are expanding our course offerings to include not only the existing themes of sleep, stress management, women’s health, nursing care, and dementia but also introducing new topics like anger management, eye health, and dental health. This expansion will bring the total number of available courses to 19. We encourage employees to take advantage of these courses as valuable opportunities to acquire knowledge. Information about these courses will be disseminated through health news updates and Health Committee meetings, all in support of our commitment to promoting health management.

    We will continue to increase the opportunities for our employees to receive information by collaboratively promoting health with the Health Insurance Union and maximizing the use of various channels.

    Walking/Exercise Events

    Half of FamilyMart’s employees take less than 6,000 steps per day on average, displaying a significant gap from target value of steps set by the government (Health Japan 21: 9,000 steps for males, 8,500 steps for females).

    As a motivator to increase the number of steps even a little and eliminate lack of exercise, we hold walking events led by the Labor Union twice a year (spring and autumn).

    This walking event is a regular health promotion event that has been taking place for over 15 years. In the event held in spring 2023, as many as 2,362 employees participated and increased their physical activity.

    Women's Health Seminar
    • FamilyMart regularly holds women’s health seminars.

      The women’s health seminar held in January 2023 was themed “Unlocking Workplace Harmony: Enhancing Communication and Fostering Happiness through Understanding Hormonal Balance between Genders” The number of attendees was restricted on site, and we also leveraged the online system to hold the event due to the measures against COVID-19.

      The use of the online system made it possible for many regional employees, who previously had difficulties attending, to participate. Many managers and male employees also attended, resulting in reminding us of the high level of interest in this seminar.

    Dementia supporters
    • According to a report published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), by 2025 around one in five senior citizens will be suffering from dementia.

      FamilyMart believes that it is extremely important for Japanese society to develop a correct understanding of dementia, and we are aiming to ensure that all FamilyMart employees obtain Dementia Supporter certification.

      Besides encouraging our employees to develop a correct understanding of dementia and working to help people make the right decisions regarding dementia prevention, we are also thinking carefully, on an ongoing basis, about what our response should be when employees’ family members, franchisees, or customers in the regions where our stores are located, are affected by dementia.

      Dementia support training is regularly held, and there are currently 4,182 dementia support persons as of April 2023. We can surely see that the network of FamilyMart’s dementia support persons steadily spreading.

      One of the employees who took the training felt strongly that the training contents need to be passed down to franchisees as well and that they wanted to spread the network of dementia support. They then conducted training at franchisees in Yonezawa, Yamagata Prefecture to spread the network.

      This was welcomed by the franchisees as an opportunity to gain a proper understanding of dementia. In addition, the connection between FamilyMart and local municipalities was enhanced.

    • Training for the franchisees

      Training for the franchisees

      Dementia support posted sticker of a franchisee

      Dementia support posted sticker of a franchisee
    Other Measures Related to Physical Health

    FamilyMart provides various kinds of support as part of our efforts to create a workplace where employees can work healthily, and we strive to achieve such a workplace.


    Other initiatives

    • Financial assistance for advanced medical care (medical procedures with advanced medical care is assisted up to 5 million yen)
    • Financial assistance for fertility treatment (not limited to employees, applied also when their spouses receive treatment)
    • Financial assistance for brain checkup (10,000 yen per person, not limited to employees, applied also to spouses)
    • Periodontal disease measures (learning how to check your oral health properly without going to a dentist)
    • Mediated sales of household medicine (provides household medicine and health products at a lower than market price)
    • Physician visit encouragement program (provides encouragement to employees that have not visited a medical institution)


    Workplace Communication Project

    As remote work is promoted, communication among employees is one of the challenges remote work is facing.

    As part of our methods to promote communication at the workplace, FamilyMart partially assists financially for the activities.

    Our employees have come up with and held various unique ideas such as online sightseeing and online escape room games.

    Health Awareness Survey

    As we drive health-oriented management, we conduct a health awareness survey every year for the purpose of understanding employees’ health awareness and behavior and developing measures that are effective and appropriate for their needs.

    By conducting a fixed-point observation of changes in employees’ health awareness and behavior, we are working to assess the effectiveness of each measure and the entire health management system.

    Survey questions consist of health awareness, lifestyle habits, mental health, and productivity. In terms of FamilyMart’s health-related issues discovered from the results, we are now seeing low physical activity and low count of average steps per day in addition to increased incidences of being overweight with a BMI value of 25 or more, smoking rates, and rates of skipping breakfast.

    We need to establish well-regulated lifestyles in order to help address these issues. We promote attractive health improvement measures to assist with improving the lifestyle of employees as well as increasing their physical activity levels so that our employees’ awareness and behavior will change.

    We let our employees know of all the survey results (compared to the previous year) through the health news, Industrial Safety and Health Committee meetings, and the in-house portal site.

    Response Rate to the Health Awareness Survey
    FY FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
    Response rate 91.5% 93.6% 95.2% 97.5%

    The average daily step count of our employees has shown steady improvement. In particular, the percentage of employees taking less than 4,000 steps per day decreased from 24.4% to 22.1%, and the percentage of employees averaging more than 8,000 steps per day increased from 23.2% to 24.1%. These results suggest a gradual shift in employee health awareness, with a growing number of employees engaging in regular walking. These positive changes can be attributed to the ongoing health education initiatives we have implemented.

    It is said that a concrete method to increase the amount of physical activity in daily life, it is useful to increase the physical activity centered around walking and to set a target number of steps.

    We will persist in actively conducting educational initiatives to enlighten our employees, along with hosting ongoing walking events.

    Average steps per day for a FamilyMart employee

    • ファミリーマート社員のいち日平均歩数の現状を、2020年度から2022年度までの1日の平均歩数割合について説明いたします。  まず、2020年度の1日の平均歩数割合です。 4000歩未満が22.3% 4000から6000歩未満が32.6% 6000から8000歩未満が23.5% 8000から10000歩未満が13.4% 10000歩以上が8.2% という結果でした。

    • 次に、2021年度の1日の平均歩数割合です。 4000歩未満が24.4% 4000から6000歩未満が30.3% 6000から8000歩未満が22.1% 8000から10000歩未満が13.8% 10000歩以上が9.4% という結果でした。  以上が2020年度と2021年度の平均歩数割合の結果でした。 コロナ禍による影響で、1日平均4,000歩未満の社員が22.3%から24.4%と1.1%増加したものの、一方では1日平均8,000歩以上、1万歩以上の合計社員は21.6%から23.2%と1.6%も改善しました。

    • 次に、2022年度の1日の平均歩数割合です。 4000歩未満が22.1% 4000から6000歩未満が30.2% 6000から8000歩未満が23.6% 8000から10000歩未満が14.7% 10000歩以上が9.4% という結果でした。  以上が2020年度、2021年度、2022年度の平均歩数割合の結果でした。 2022年はコロナ禍による影響で増加していた、1日平均4,000歩未満の社員が2022年度には減少し、結果的に2020年度より0.2%減少しました。1日平均8,000歩以上、1万歩以上の合計社員は2022年度も前年と同じ水準を保っております。 会社では、ウォーキング企画等の様々な健康増進イベントを実施しており、健康を意識してウォーキングする社員が着実に増えております。引続きこれを後押しする社員に有益な健康増進企画を社員に提供してまいります。

    Education to Prevent Work-related Accidents

    It is of utmost importance to secure a work environment where anyone who works at any stores and offices can feel safe and comfortable. At the Industrial Safety and Health Committee meetings held every month, we share information about work-related accidents that happened nationwide and exchange opinions between employers and employees in order to prevent the same type of accidents in the future.

    We will continue to aim for a safe workplace that promotes everyone involved with FamilyMart to work energetically and take measures to prevent work-related accidents day by day.

    Work-related accidents frequency rate, severity rate (including staff at directly-managed stores)
    FY FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
    Frequency rate 0.68 0.43 0.70 0.75 0.88
    Severity rate 0.014 0.004 0.028 0.019 0.034
    Establishment of Various Consultation Services

    We have set up a dedicated health consultation service staffed by medical professionals, achieving a system that enables our public health nurses to respond quickly to employees’ health concerns.

    We are committed to creating an environment in which employees can feel free to ask questions and talk about their various concerns. Other than the mentioned service, we also have women-only consultation services for power harassment, sexual harassment, and birth and childcare by phone as well as email. Consultations for sexual harassment, birth, and childcare are always conducted by female employees.

    Office with Health Managed Environment

    In Tamachi head office, we prepare all kinds of equipment and take initiatives for promoting the health of our employees.

    • Massage chairs

      Massage chairs
    • Rooms for resting

      Rooms for resting
    • Mental health check device

      Mental health check device
    • Exercise equipment and blood pressure monitor

      Exercise equipment and blood pressure monitor
    • Healthy office (jump height meter)

      Healthy office (jump height meter)

    Initiatives Targeting our Franchise Stores

    The health of our franchisees, with whom we work closely together, is just as vital to the ongoing development of our business as the health of our own employees.

    We are implementing the following measures to help improve the health of FamilyMart franchisees.

    Subsidiary aid for health checkups and comprehensive medical examinations

    We will work to ensure that our franchisees can find time for their checkups.

    Each store has the opportunity to submit up to three applications for cost subsidies per year. Additionally, we are actively enhancing the convenience of the subsidy payment process through the introduction of a system for that purpose.

    Mutual insurance

    We offer a range of inexpensive group insurance policies, along with medical and injury cover, so that our franchisees can run FamilyMart stores with peace of mind, and to strengthen welfare provision for store staff.

    Health Promotion Projects

    We have rolled out a range of different projects and products to enhance the health of all FamilyMart stakeholders.

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