
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Basic Approach

As global warming attributed to higher emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) have been intensifying the frequency and severity of extreme weather conditions around the world, there is a growing demand for corporate initiatives to address climate change risks.

Against this backdrop, the annual CO₂ emissions from FamilyMart’s business activities amounted to approximately 65 million t-CO₂ in fiscal 2022. Most of these emissions come from the Category 1 (purchased products and services), Category 3 (Fuel- and energy-related activities) and Category 5 (waste) of the Scope 3, which are emissions from other companies related to our business activities. Moreover, the convenience store business has a more energy-intensive store structure than other industries, and greenhouse gases from energy use in stores are also substantial. Therefore, in addition to promoting though energy conservation in our stores, we will actively use renewable energy to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society.

This is how we take appropriate measures to deal with climate change, and we will also proactively disclose information.

Related Goals and Progress

Famima Eco Vision 2050

Science-Based Targets (SBT) Certification

In contrast to limiting the global temperature rise to 2°C as targeted by the Paris Agreement, FamilyMart’s greenhouse gas reduction targets are certified by the Science-Based Targets (SBT) Initiative*, which recognizes science-based targets aimed at well below 2°C.

* SBT Initiative: A joint initiative by CDP (an international NGO), the UN Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). It advocates setting science-based GHG emission reduction targets to prevent the global average temperature rise due to climate change from exceeding 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

Certified greenhouse gas reduction goals

Scope 1 + 2: 30% reduction by 2030 (compared with 2018)
Scope 3: 15% reduction by 2030 (compared with 2018)


Scope 1: Direct emissions from fuel use in-house

Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the use of heat and electricity purchased by the company

Scope 3: Supply chain emissions of corporate activities outside Scope 1 and Scope 2 (FamilyMart's Scope 3 targets are for Category 1–Purchased goods and services)


Supply Chain Initiatives

Material Flow of FamilyMart

Through the continuation of its business activities, FamilyMart has been placing various environmental burdens, such as CO₂ emissions, waste, and wastewater. By understanding and reducing these burdens, we will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

Management of CO₂ Emissions in the Supply Chain*

The burden on the environment of greenhouse gases is affected by every step of the supply chain from raw materials procurement, product production, distribution, and sales to disposal and recycling in addition to things that can be directly controlled by FamilyMart. To evaluate the environmental impact of our operations, we calculate the CO₂ emissions for the entire supply chain (Scope 3) in accordance with the Ministry of the Environment’s “Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain (Ver. 2.5)”.

Going forward FamilyMart will work to improve the accuracy of data collection, expand the scope covered by our calculations, analyze the calculations, and reduce the amount of CO₂ emissions for the entire supply chain.

*Supply Chain CO₂ Emissions Quantity:
Total emissions associated with business activities, including not only the company’s own emissions, but also the entire emissions from the procurement of raw materials through the delivery of products to final consumers.

Supply Chain CO₂ Emissions Quantity

  1. Direct emissions of greenhouse gases, such as through the use of fuel in the business’ own operations (e.g.: gasoline used by company-owned vehicles)
  2. Indirect emissions of greenhouse gases, such as through the use of electricity provided by other companies (e.g.: electricity used at the head office, offices, and stores)
  3. Indirect emissions of greenhouse gases as a result of business activities that do not fall under Scopes 1 or 2

Ministry of the Environment’s Green Value Chain Platform: Reference materials for calculation.

Supply Chain CO₂ Emissions Quantity

Scope of data aggregation: March 2022-February 2023 in principle

Note: Calculated based on the Database for Emission Factors in Calculating Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain (Ver. 3.3) issued by the Ministry of the Environment.

1. Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1)

  • Fuel for company-owned vehicles
    Emission intensity of transportation [fuel method] is applied.
  • Emissions from CFC use
    “Calculated leakage amount (t-CO₂)” is used based on the Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Act. (The period covered by the calculation is from April of the relevant year to March of the following year).

2. Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)

  • GHG emissions
    Calculation method and emission factors are based on the Calculation, Reporting, and Publication System’s List of Emission Factors by Electric Utility.

3. Other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3)

Category 1

[5] Emission intensity ② “Emission intensity purchaser price basis based on monetary value” in the industry-related table is applied.

Category 2

[6] Emission intensity per capital goods price <Office> is applied.

Category 3

Electricity:[7] Emission intensity per unit of electricity and heat consumption is applied.

Gasoline and diesel: LCI database IDEA v2 (for calculating supply chain GHG emissions) version: v2.3

Category 4

[2] Emission factor ① Fuel method for [transportation] in the Calculation, Reporting, and Publication System is used.

Category 5

Items to be recycled

[8] Emission intensity for waste type and treatment method is applied.

Items to be incinerated

LCI database IDEA v2 (for calculating supply chain GHG emissions) version: v2.3

System equipment waste

[9] Emission intensity by waste type is applied

Category 6

[11] Emission intensity per transportation allowance and [12] emission intensity per overnight stay are applied

Category 7

[11] Emission intensity per transportation allowance is applied.

Category 11

Emission factor for combustion of filling fuel in the List of Emission Factors in the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures is applied.

Category 12

[8] Emission intensity for waste type and treatment method

*Categories 8,9,10,13,14 and 15 are not included in the calculation.

GHG Emissions by Category in Fiscal 2022

Emission data by category in fiscal 2022 from ESG data

Scope and Category CO₂ emissions Percentage

SCOPE.1 Direct emissions

60,083 0.93%

SCOPE.2 Energy-derived indirect emissions

1,011,496 15.62%

SCOPE.3 Other indirect emissions

5,403,134 83.45%

Category 1 Purchased products/services

4,874,599 75.29%

Category 2 Capital goods

102,886 1.59%

Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2

162,263 2.51%

Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution

99,259 1.53%

Category 5 Waste generated in operations

156,847 2.42%

Category 6 Business travel

1,513 0.02%

Category 7 Employee commuting

1,329 0.02%

Category 11 Use of sold products

462 0.01%

Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products

3,976 0.06%


6,474,713 100%

Third-party Verification

FamilyMart has received third-party verification to correctly evaluate and verify the supply chain emissions quantity (Scopes 1 to 3) calculation results.

The greenhouse gas emissions quantity verification for fiscal 2022 was conducted by the Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality (JACO). The results of this audit showed that the CO₂ emissions quantity for all stores of officers in Japan and the refrigerant HFC emission quantity for stores were 60,083 tons for Scope 1, 1,011,496 tons for Scope 2, and 5,403,496 tons for Scope 3.

Based on these third-party verification results we will continue to improve the accuracy of published figures and increase the level of trust both inside and outside the company.

Store Operation Initiatives

Initiatives to Improve Store Operations

Although our stores have always been cost-conscious about saving electricity, they are now taking various measures to do that in response to the tight supply-demand balance of electricity and its soaring cost. 

Consequently, the store's electricity consumption in March 2023 was significantly reduced to 90.9% of the previous year's level.

Turning off lights in beverage refrigerators

Target stores: across Japan

*Some stores have not yet implemented the measure due to the store facilities and circumstances.

Implementation period: Ongoing from December 2022

Adjustment of illumination intensity of lighting in the store ceiling (60% down)

Power supplies and some lights of in-store ATM signboards, eating areas, outside insecticidal equipment, etc. were also turned off.

Target stores: across Japan

*Some stores have not yet implemented the measure due to the store facilities and circumstances.

Implementation period: Ongoing from June 2022

Other energy-saving measures that have been implemented on an ongoing basis include turning off frequently lights in stores, adjusting air-conditioning temperature, and cleaning filters in refrigerated cases.

Solar Power Generation Initiative

We are promoting the active adoption of renewable energy by installing solar panels on store roofs, thereby making use of store infrastructure. Existing solar installations are now in the process of being switched from sell-to-grid to self-consumption, and new self-consumption solar installations are being introduced.

Solar panels

Solar panels

In-store LED lighting

We began converting the lighting in our stores to LED in November 2011, and completed the project in August 2022. We also installed dimming systems that divide the store interior into 5 zones and automatically adjust the brightness in the respective zones. This both improves comfort and conserves energy by, for example, fine tuning the lighting to reduce the brightness of the fluorescent lights when sunlight is coming in and adjusting for differences between daytime and nighttime.

LED signs

In 2004, FamilyMart was the first convenience store to install facade signs that use LED lights. In fiscal year 2022 all our stores were equipped with LED signs. Now we are conducting technical development and verification testing to achieve even more energy efficient LED signs. Currently, we have achieved energy savings of approximately 70% compared to conventional fluorescent light signs.

Energy efficient parking lot lighting

Installation of LED lighting for our parking lots began in February 2013. The power consumption was decreased to 80w from 245w for the ceramic halide lamps installed since 2008. The useful life of the lights also increased from 15,000 hours to 60,000 hours.

Installed at the Matsuyama Interchange Store in 2004

Installed at the Matsuyama Interchange Store in 2004

LED parking lot lighting

LED parking lot lighting

Quick Charger for Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles that do not emit CO₂ while traveling have gained attention as environmentally friendly automobiles and their use is increasingly annually. However, there are not enough places to charge these vehicles. To allow electric vehicles to be used without the worry of running out of power, FamilyMart is moving forward with the installation of quick chargers for electric vehicles in its store parking lots.

 To date, the number of stores with the quick chargers installed has reached approximately 700, the largest number in convenience store industry. Our next plan is to replace them with quicker chargers with more outlets to reduce customer wait times.

Installation of high-output quick chargers

Installation of high-output quick chargers

Introduction of refrigeration and freezing systems with CO₂ refrigerant

FamilyMart is promoting the introduction of equipment with natural cooling medium (CO₂) as the refrigerant gas for refrigeration and freezing systems in its stores in consideration of the global environment and reducing power consumption for store operations. A growing number of stores are adopting refrigerators and freezers with CO₂ refrigerant every year. We will continue to increase the number of stores with such equipment with the goal of installing it into more than 50% of our new stores and stores under remodeling that will replace refrigeration equipment.

Distribution Initiatives

Use of Low-polluting, Low-fuel Consumption Vehicles

As part of our environmentally friendly initiatives in logistics, we have set the goal of a 30% reduction in CO₂ emissions from our trucks for delivery by 2030 (compared to 2017).

Since fiscal 1998, FamilyMart has been actively working to implement low-pollution vehicles such as compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles and hybrid vehicles.

In fiscal 2022, our various measures, such as the introduction of clean diesel vehicles (low-polluting, low-fuel consumption vehicles) and improvement of delivery efficiency, have resulted in a 16.5% reduction in CO₂ emissions from delivery trucks, compared to 2017.

Also in 2022, we started a test delivery service with small electric truck with interchangeable batteries. This was the first attempt in convenience store industry. Each electric truck is expected to reduce CO₂ emissions by approximately 6.1 tons per year, compared to internal combustion vehicles that use diesel fuel.

We will actively continue to pursue new initiatives, including the introduction of electric trucks and fuel cell trucks, and experiments of introduction of environmentally friendly fuels.

Electric truck with interchangeable batteries

Electric truck with interchangeable batteries

Key initiatives to reduce CO₂ emissions in FamilyMart's logistics division (① to ⑤)

①Improvement of delivery efficiency

・We set up efficient routes to reduce the number of delivery courses and delivery vehicles.

・Since October 2022, we have been operating our self-developed AI delivery simulator to the full to further reduce CO₂ emissions.

②Introduction of Clean Diesel Vehicles

・Compared to existing diesel vehicles, clean diesel vehicles reduce CO₂ emissions by approximately one ton per vehicle per year. Currently, approximately 1,000 vehicles are in operation.

③Driving test of electric trucks

・We have been conducting demonstrative tests of electric trucks since January 2019.

・We have started a new delivery test by small electric truck with replaceable batteries.

④Driving test of FC trucks

・We have been conducting driving tests of small FC trucks in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, since November 2021.

・We have been participating in a NEDO-subsidized project to begin experiments to introduce small FC trucks in Fukushima and Tokyo Prefectures since January 2023.

⑤Demonstration of introduction of environmentally friendly fuel

・Since June 2021, we have been conducting a demonstrative experiment to use 100% fuel derived from renewable resources, such as waste cooking oil, instead of diesel oil, in some vehicles at our distribution center in Yokohama City.

Simultaneous Shipping of Chilled and Fixed Temperature Products

FamilyMart uses dual-compartment refrigerated trucks in which chilled products (kept at 3℃ to 8℃), such as desserts and lunch boxes, and fixed temperature products (kept at 18℃ to 22℃) such as prepared lunches and bread, can be loaded at the same time to improve delivery efficiency and reduce the number of vehicles used. 

Initiative for Simultaneous Same Temperature Range Product Delivery

Dual-compartment refrigerated trucks

The temperatures in the front and back compartments can be set for their respective products and the space used for each compartment can be adjusted to match the amount of freight being loaded.

Eco-Drive Management System

Since fiscal 2009, FamilyMart delivery vehicles have been equipped with an eco-drive management system (EMS). EMS monitors the driving status of each driver, not only in terms of mileage, fuel consumption and speed, but also for idling, sudden starts, and rapid accelerations. This information helps avoid driving that produces unnecessary exhaust gas. Driving method improvements and guidance based on EMS data help promote eco-driving (lowered CO₂ emissions) and safe driving.

Next-generation Delivery Management System

Next-generation Delivery Management System

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