All through the ages, supporting the growth of children has been one of the most important agendas for a country or a local community.
In addition to the continuing issues of declining birthrate and aging, the living environment around families is rapidly changing, including changes such as family configuration, like the increase in double-income households.
FamilyMart, along with our stores nationwide and store staff, proactively cooperates with local communities to contribute to the well-rounded development of children, who represent the future, as well as to provide support for families engaged in the upbringing of these children.
Famima Academy strives to conduct fun workshops following the themes of SDGs and career education, allowing students of all ages (elementary to high schools) to enjoy a learning experience.
The SDG workshops serve to provide an examination of challenges that the world faces and to give the children a motivation to act. In these workshops, children can learn basic knowledge of SDGs (sustainable development goals) and FamilyMart’s initiatives on SDGs in a specific and easy-to-learn manner. We also cover LGBTQ issues, which is deeply related to SDGs.
Held at about 70 schools |
Participated students of about 5,000 |
In the career education workshops, our employees talk about the operations of FamilyMart and various jobs in order to provide students an opportunity to imagine their future.
With these workshops, we help drive students to further learn and tackle challenges. By collaborating with schools to execute this program, this initiative has become a very meaningful activity for us as well in that it leads to the improvement of the capabilities and motivation of the employees conducting the workshops.
Throughout fiscal 2022, we are dedicated to enhancing our initiatives by leveraging a diverse range of assets. These assets include the facilitation of collaborative classes in partnership with Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. a valued business partner. Furthermore, we are working closely with Save the Children Japan, a generous donor to the FamilyMart Connecting Dreams Foundation to develop impactful programs that resonate with our mission.
Participating children work together with FamilyMart to consider questions such as “What is an SDG?” “Why are SDGs important?” and “What can we do together?” The goal is to have each child develop some awareness.
While learning about the 17 SDG goals, students are introduced to proactive examples of FamilyMart’s environmental and social activities and deepen their understanding of the importance of SDGs.
Classes were held keeping in mind the connection between SDGs and society, including themes such as career education for one’s own future and LGBTQ matters, which have gained public interest.
As a member of the communities we serve, and with the objective of contributing to sound development of local communities and the growth of children in mind and spirit, we began holding the Thank You Letter Contest starting in 2009 for elementary school students throughout Japan. The year 2023 will mark its 15th year running.
We believe that those who have gratitude and can honestly convey that feeling in words will promote the revitalization of communication and contribute to the sound development of local communities as builders of a sustainable society.
The way we communicate with each other is changing as emails become the central mode of communication. Expressing the feeling of gratitude in hand-written letters enables children to think about their feeling. This not only enriches their sensitivity, but also helps them grow into adults capable of genuine expression of gratitude. We believe that this will serve as a foundation for communication in the future.
So far, we have received about 440,000 letters from a total of 25,000 elementary schools. The contest garnered significant recognition for its longstanding legacy and its valuable contribution to the realms of Japanese language education and moral development. As a testament to its impact, the contest received official endorsement in 2019 when it received support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Notably, this recognition culminated in the bestowal of the Minister of Education Award in 2022.
Additionally, prize-winning submissions from past contests are also being used as part of school curriculum, an example of which is their inclusion in the textbook on moral education (2018 edition) by two companies.
The award ceremony for the best letter is held at the elementary school in which the winner is enrolled. Their family members, local FamilyMart employees, and store managers and staff from the neighboring stores attend the ceremony to celebrate the student’s award together.
Some stores post contestants’ letters at stores, introducing the local children’s activity, to contribute as an active player in local communication and promotion.
The Child Store Manager initiative allows children in the area to experience the work of FamilyMart stores at the actual stores.
They get hands-on experience of handling the cash register and learning how to display products for sale in the store while wearing the actual FamilyMart uniform. As an experience to learn about actual work while enjoying it, the initiative has received praise not only from children but also their parents.
Participating children also received a Child Store Manager certificate for their efforts.