NGOs/NPOs Support and Cooperation

Basic Approach

FamilyMart placed a collection box at each store and started fund-raising at stores in 1993.

To act as a bridge between customers and NGOs/NPOs engaged in social activities, we started the FamilyMart Connecting Dreams Foundation’s in-store fund-raising campaign in 2006. The collected donations, combined with our matching corporate donation (matching donation*), have been utilized for children and the future of the planet.

As we have an office at the Sustainability Promotion Department in the head office, we also proactively work cooperatively with the donation beneficiary organizations to tackle support activities beyond fund-raising.

FamilyMart has over 16,000 stores nationwide and 15 million customers visiting us per day. For a company of our size, we consider fund-raising in stores to be an important sustainability activity to leverage our store network to play a role as fund-raising hubs.

*Donations made by a company or other organization of a certain percentage of the total donations collected.

FamilyMart’s Fund-raising Results

  • Fund-raising results in fiscal 2021


FamilyMart Connecting Dreams Foundation Donation

  • Fund-raising reception service through multi-copy machine

  • Matching donation

Initiatives that Utilize the FamilyMart Connecting Dreams Foundation Donation

Save the Children Japan

  • FamilyMart has been supporting Save the Children Japan since 1993.

    In addition to sending aid directly to children in need, we also use donations to support a wide range of philanthropic efforts, including advocacy activities (proposing policies) as well as publicity and corporate partnership activities to enhance support for children. Additionally, we cooperatively work on promotion of classes for middle school and high school students in Japan to promote SDGs as relevant to them, and of childcare that protects children’s rights.

  • Swimming classes to prevent water accidents (Thailand)

    © Save the Children Thailand
    Swimming classes to prevent water accidents (Thailand)

Japan Association for the World Food Programme (JAWFP)

  • In solidarity with the activities United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), which seeks to stamp out hunger around the world, FamilyMart has provided support to the organization since 2006.

    Additionally, FamilyMart is involved in the UN WFP’s Corporate Program as a partner and plays a public role in society working alongside the organization.

    Since 2016, we have donated a portion of the proceeds from the FamilyMart Connecting Dreams Foundation Donation to a school feeding program run by the national government of Myanmar.

  • Supplying nutrient-enriched biscuits (Myanmar)

    © JAWFP
    Supplying nutrient-enriched biscuits (Myanmar)

National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization

  • FamilyMart supports the National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization. Specifically, through the Forest Class where kindergarten and nursery school children learn the preciousness of forests and nature, the Listening and Writing Koshien where high school students learn the wisdom and lives of masters on the forests, seas, and rivers in Japan and give thought to a sustainable society, and the project for the Development of Forests for the Future of Children where children plant trees that will become the symbol of the community and engage in Community-based woodland conservation activities, we provide environmental education programs designed to learn about forests at firsthand, learn from them, and protect them.

  • Project for the Development of Forests for the Future of Children

    Project for the Development of Forests for the Future of Children

National Children’s Cafeteria Support Center Musubie (Specified Nonprofit Corporation)

  • FamilyMart is a proud supporter of the National Children’s Cafeteria Support Center Musubise, a Specified Nonprofit Corporation. Since 2021, we have been actively contributing to the provision of assistance to both children and families involved in child-rearing.

    Collectively, we have launched the “Children’s Cafeteria Support Project for Communication and Connection.” This initiative is complemented by our commitment to offering subsidized programs that bolster the endeavors of children’s cafeterias each season - spring, summer, fall, and winter. Furthermore, our engagement extends to active involvement in the “Children’s Cafeteria Support Festival” orchestrated by Musubie. Through these combined efforts, we strive to broaden the network of assistance for children’s cafeterias and their vital work.

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