
FamilyMart's Approach to Sustainability

Sustainability Activities, Together with All Stakeholders
with Sustainability!

We will continue to faithfully and steadily promote FamilyMart's unique sustainability initiatives toward the realization of a sustainable society by working as partners with our customers, franchised stores, business partners, and all our other stakeholders to value the concept of “with Sustainability!”

FamilyMart's Approach to Sustainability

Message from the Competent Director

    • While placing continued importance on the three pillars supporting our corporate message of “FamilyMart, Where You Are One of the Family”—"rooted closely in the community,” “meeting the needs of each customer,” and “like family”—FamilyMart is in an excellent position to work toward realizing sustainable communities and a sustainable society by setting five material issues (materialities) and four foundations (such as respect for human rights), always working to solve issues in the community while providing convenience.


      For the medium- and long-term environmental goals set out in the Famima Eco Vision 2050, we are promoting the reduction of greenhouse gases and measures for reducing plastic and food loss, leading to the conservation of biodiversity. We have also endorsed the philosophy of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and participated in the TNFD Forum.

    • Toshiyuki Kakimi


    As a measure for convenience stores to provide support to solving social issues in their respective communities, we restarted certain initiatives in the local community after three years. These include the Famima Food Drive to reduce food waste and provide food support and the Famima Children’s Cafeteria, in which our stores act as a community hub to provide opportunities for interaction. Aiming to be a place where all customers can easily shop, we have also introduced communication support tools at all our stores to assist those who have hearing or speaking difficulties and seniors.

    In respect for diversity, we have introduced a same-sex partnership system in which those with a same-sex partner can enter into all types of franchise contracts, which was previously restricted to traditional married couples.


    Based on the idea that respect for human rights is the foundation of all our corporation activities, we created the FamilyMart Human Rights Policy and work together with our business partners on respecting human rights, including human rights due diligence.


    For fostering human resources, by continuing to enhance our self-directed training programs and working to develop people who are motivated, we will nurture employees who drive innovation and create value.

    We have created the Sustainability Committee to steadily move forward with such activities; the committee manages the progress of such activity plans and reports to the Board of Directors.

    Walking in tandem with all our stakeholders and our core corporate message of “FamilyMart, Where You Are One of the Family,” we will move forward with activities to realize sustainability.


    Chief Officer
    CMO and General Manager of the Marketing Division
    Hikaru Adachi

Third-Party Comment

    • Of all industries, convenience stores are probably the closest to consumers and have a complex supply chain because they handle a wide variety of merchandise. For this reason, it is an industry in which consumer changes can immediately affect future business. At the same time, the convenience store industry can directly communicate messages for the next era to consumers.

      COVID-19, the war in Ukraine and other events have wrought dramatic changes in the world and the global economy is now in the process of major changes to overcome these difficulties and steering toward sustainability that includes a shift away from fossil fuels. In this respect, FamilyMart's sustainability initiatives can be said to be an attempt to respond to the current times and market changes. Above all, its efforts to ensure that employees, including management and managers, are united in their commitment to making a solid contribution to society while increasing profit, as well as efforts to apply these efforts to the corporate business model in concrete ways, are highly commendable.

    • Kazuo Tase


    In the coming years, demands placed upon companies for sustainability will only increase, including for matters such as decarbonization and de-plasticizing, business and human rights in the supply chain, diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as FamilyMart’s renewed commitment to biodiversity. I hope that FamilyMart will continue to be a company that builds the future, and I support them wholeheartedly.


    SDG Partners, Inc.

    President and CEO

    Mr. Kazuo Tase

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